Flying through clouds by Michelle Morgan

Michelle Morgan, 2017. ISBN 9780995386501
(Age: 10+) Recommended. Depression (1930). Australian history.
Aviation. Reprising the familiar territory of her first novel, Racing
the moon, Morgan weaves a tale about Joe, a thirteen
year old boy in a religiously mixed family in the slum area of
Glebe, working as a runner for his father, an illegal bookie. Seeing
the arrival of Charles Kingsford Smith after flying across the
Pacific in the Southern Cross in 1928, Joe's sights are set on
becoming an aviator. All of his thoughts are dictated by how much
money he can earn to take flying lessons, apart from a few thoughts
devoted to the head master's daughter, Amy.
The background of the novel is wonderfully realised, with readers
able to sink into the surrounds of Sydney in the 1930's with crime
and unemployment, casual abuse, poor housing and illness ever
present. Morgan's sense of the times is well depicted, and she
includes some events which are well known, Kingsford Smith's flight
across the pacific, the opening of the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the
Bodyline Series, for example, positioning the story in its time
Joe's efforts to save money see him getting into trouble with his
father as well as the school for wagging while he does his friend's
running for another bookie. But saving is all he focusses on,
amassing enough money for one lesson, until his money is stolen. But
he is able to go and stay with a friend near Canberra whose family
has a Tiger Moth and the two fly off to Queensland, where another
adventure befalls them. A neat resolution occurs with Joe meeting
his hero, and his family accepting their son's dream.
This book will appeal to all those dreamers in upper primary looking
for an adventure story set in an historical time frame that is in
part recognisable.
Fran Knight