Fluff and Billy do everything together by Nicola Killen

Egmont, 2011. ISBN 9781405254250.
Fluff and Billy are two penguins who do everything together -
climbing, sliding, screaming, splashing - everything. Whatever Fluff
does, Billy copies. And it's starting to aggravate Fluff, especially
after he gets a snowball in the chest. So begins a time of them not
talking to each other, until . . .
This is a delightful story with simple but enchanting illustrations
that will engage the youngest child as a read-aloud. Miss 9-months
loved the rhythm and laughed at the pictures, but now Miss 5 has
started school and is beginning to read, I'm looking from another
perspective as well. This book has power as a beginning reader
because of its repetitive text which is made very predictable by the
illustrations. Within the space of one read-along she was able to
read it for herself, giving her a huge boost of confidence and
When I was in a school situation I had grab bags that parents could
borrow for a week. Inside were seven books that were just right for
bedtime reading including at least one for little people to share
with their parents. It gave them such a sense of empowerment to read
a 'real book' not just a take-home reader. Fluff and Billy would be
perfect for this, and even if not in a grab bag, it would be on the
Recommended Reads table for my beginning readers to borrow. What an
amazing lesson they would learn about what the library has to offer
them. It's not just for the big kids!
Barbara Braxton