Flame stands waiting by Corinne Fenton

Ill. by Sebastian Ciaffaglione. Black dog books, 2010. ISBN 978
(Ages: Primary) Reminiscent of a much older story and illustration
technique, Flame stands waiting will induce tears from even the
hardened of hearts. The story of a horse in a carousel, grounded to the
one spot while all the others seem to float in the air as they turn in
their fixed circles, is a well worn story of the rejected, the one
which stands alone, but reaches fulfillment because of the heart of a
small girl who sees the horse for what it is. She uses her imagination
to take the horse out of its fixed place and soar above the clouds.
All the other kids leap for the moving horses, but Flame waits,
unwanted until the young girl who dreams of things beyond what she
sees, comes along. A tender story which will appeal to those who wish
to share a moving story with the class or their children and
grandchildren, Flames stands waiting recalls carousels of the
past, but
encourages the young to dream.
Like Fenton's Queenie, I cried from cover to cover, so I can only warn
you! Read it first before reading it aloud. The illustrations by
Sebastian Ciaffaglione capture the times between the two wars expertly
with the large number of children taken to the amusement park by their
parents. The clothing, styles of hair and dress are all redolent of the
times when things were far less easy than today, when going to an
amusement park was the highlight of the year.
Fran Knight