Fizz and the handbag dognapper by Lesley Gibbes

Ill. by Stephen Michael King. A police dog adventure series. Allen
and Unwin, 2016. ISBN 9781760112899
(Age: 7+) Highly recommended. Dogs. Police. Fizz the police dog is
back with another adventure - this time he has to go undercover to
find out who is kidnapping the hand bag dogs. This time it is even
more urgent for him to be successful because his sister Crystal has
been taken. Posing as a dog model at the launch of The Shrill Alarm
Collar device, Fizz has to use all his skills and team work to find
out who is doing the kidnapping.
This is an exciting story that is just perfect for the beginning
reader. Fizz is a most appealing character and the whole idea of
handbag dogs and tracking collars is one that is sure to appeal to
dog lovers, while the mystery will certainly appeal to any child who
loves being a detective.
A fabulous series, these books will have much appeal, with their
short chapters, humourous illustrations and wonderful characters.
Pat Pledger