Fish jam by Kylie Howarth

Five-Mile Press, 2015. ISBN 9781760067045
(Age: 2-5) Highly recommended. Limited-text picture
book. Fish. Jazz. Textural Art. Kylie Howarth's textural backgrounds
provide a perfect underwater platform for the bold, bright yellow
image of Toot the little fish who loves to sing. His tail and body
are guitar-like, his top fins - trumpet finger buttons and his mouth
shaped like a brass instrument's bell. Kylie painted these seascapes
in the backyard with her two young boys' help.
The text is simple, enjoyable and is easy to share with a toddler.
Toot loves to sing and make up music, but all the other sea
creatures just 'shhh' him and 'shoo' him away, that makes him very
unhappy. He can't find anyone to appreciate his tunes. When
something unexpected happens, he finds a special place with new
friends who all enjoy music. Just like Jonah, Toot is swallowed by a
whale; inside the stomach after a very dark journey, he hears
'Clickety-click, clickety click' then 'let's jam.' On the large
foldout page, he meets the clicking crab, a piano playing fish, an
eel strumming a guitar, the octopus drumming and a purple fish
blowing on a saxophone. The story ends happily with 'And he never
played solo again.'
This is a delightful picture book to share as a family, at childcare
or preschool and provides a great opportunity to listen to jazz
music and impromptu scatting. Take time to enjoy exploring painting
with natural objects using Kylie's art for inspiration.
Rhylls Bignell