First Science encyclopedia by DK Australia

Dorling Kindersley, 2019. Australian edition. ISBN: 9780143795018.
(Age: 5-8) Recommended. Themes: Science; Life Science; Materials;
Physical Science; Earth and Space Science. Dorling Kindersley has
mastered the art of presenting information in a visually appealing
way for young readers. This introduction to Science is a simplified
reference book that includes information in small parcels and with
brilliant visual representations that make the book suitable for
very young readers. All information on a particular topic is divided
into small segments with clear headings and is explained in either
one or two sentences. This brevity means that lots of content can be
covered, albeit very briefly. As an introductory science book for
the youngest independent readers it explains some quite difficult
Science topics in an appropriately simple way. It is not terribly
helpful for school students who might need to investigate a topic in
some depth, but this is not the purpose of this book. The visual
appeal of the book means that it has the appeal of a magazine, and
with clarity presents information and some 'hands-on' projects to
explore a topic.
Recommended. This would make a wonderful book for the science
interested child aged 5-8.
Carolyn Hull