First Maths glossary by DK Australia

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Senior Editor: Beth Patch. Australian Edition. Dorling Kindersley, 2019. ISBN: 9780143795001.
(Age: 6-8) Recommended. Themes: Mathematics, Arithmetic, Counting. Dorling Kindersley have again produced a beautiful and well-presented book with an explanation of very simple mathematical concepts. The clarity of information and the presentation make this a suitable book for young students up to Year 2 at school or could be used to support students who are a little older if they have missed the 'basics' or are young ESL students. The topics covered begin with counting, then number operations, and also includes, time, measurement and representation of data. Everything is defined using a 'concrete' illustration and is exceptionally clear with one to two sentence descriptions.
This would make a good library addition or a great book to have within a classroom.
Carolyn Hull