First day by Margaret Wild

Ill. by Kim Gamble. Allen and Unwin, 2017. ISBN 9781760293918
(Age: 4+) Highly recommended. Themes: First day at school, School,
Friendship, Family. First published in 1998, this welcome reprint
will resonate with all readers, those about to being school as well
as those who recall the butterflies in their stomach of their first
day be it last week or fifty years ago. The warmth of the story is
embedded in the showcasing of several families as they prepare for
their first day. Each child is introduced while doing something in
preparation for their day: Salma makes her lunch, Khalil puts on his
shoes and ties his laces, Jun is practising his counting, Stephen
practises his name and phone number, Penny poses for a photo to be
taken by dad, Alex does up her buttons, while Alex's mum wonders if
the others at her new school will laugh at her. Each has learnt
something in the lead up to growing older, and each has some concern
about what will happen. Some are concerned about finding friends,
while one is worried about going to the toilet. The story follows
each as they make their way to school on the bus, in the car,
walking with mum or dad. At school there are routines to be followed
and things to learn about fitting into the way things happen. Each
is shown with warmth and children reading will learn about these
systems without being aware of it.
The wonderfully soft and witty water colour illustrations by Gamble
suit the mood of the story beautifully, reflecting the diversity
inherent in the tale, inviting the reader to identify with the range
of children on the pages, and look at the range of adventures
offered in the new school.
The witty parallel between the children and Alex's mum, all
beginning school on the same day will further endear the readers to
this lovely tale.
The book is divided into seven sections, Before school, Going to
school, Starting school, In the morning, During lunch, In the
afternoon and Home time, making it easier for younger readers. A
charming tale for novice school goers of all ages.
Fran Knight