First day at Bug School by Sam Lloyd

Bloomsbury, 2016. ISBN 9781408868805
(Age: 4+) Recommended. Starting School. Insects. A humourous
look at starting school - for bugs! Sam Lloyd has created a funny
walk-through of what the first day of school is like and what can be
learned. The twist is that all the characters are insects or small
creatures that creep and crawl. Because of this, some of the lessons
to be learned are unique to this micro-world, and the
characteristics of individual creatures impact their participation -
Chloe Cricket is singing, the Stink bug is seen in the toilet, and
the Ladybird's spots are very useful in Maths! Lessons for young
humans are not directly made, so this is not a book that will teach
life lessons in a humourous way, but it is just fun! And the
illustrations are in a peculiar cartoon style, and there is much to
look at for pre-readers.
Carolyn Hull