Firelight of Heaven by Lizbeth Klein

Bethloria Book 1. Wombat Books, 2013. ISBN 9781921632471.
Highly recommended for any fantasy fan aged 11+. Fantasy fans beware
- highly addictive! Firelight of Heaven is the story of a
land taken over by an evil king and its last hope is 2 teenage
humans and an elf. Of course, like all good stories, it is only book
Firelight of Heaven follows Dougray and Robbie of Bethloria
who unwittingly become the heroes in a world that is being destroyed
by war and losing its young men to the war. There is an underlying
mystery that these 2 boys might be more than they seem! Are they of
royal blood and destined to overthrow the evil king? The boys are
put the test as they travel through a new world, befriend an elf and
are chased by weird and scary creatures.
The text is descriptive but easy to read and the story is easy to
follow. Belle, the elf, is a strong female character and the boys
show an emotional side and a protective side.
Kylie Kempster