Figgy in the World: All you need is a plan and courage by Tamsin Janu

Omnibus Books, 2014. ISBN 9781742990453.
(Age: 8+) Highly recommended. Themes Ghana - Social life and
customs, Optimism, Family life. Figgy and her per goat Kwame live
with her Granma Ama in a Ghanaian village. She has obstacles to
overcome, abandoned by her mother, blinded in one eye at the age of
two and living with her unusual name Figgy. Her outlook on life is
optimistic as she loves to think about and explore her world. When
her grandma falls ill and the much loathed doctor is called, the
course of Figgy's life changes. She overhears the doctor
discussing the best medicine is available in America and Figgy
determines to travel half way around the world to help her grandma.
Along the way the travellers meet ten year old orphan Nana whose
survival skills help them on their quest to buy medicine in the
United States of America.
Tamsin Janu's debut novel is a rewarding read. To write this
engaging story she has drawn from her experiences working with
children in Ghana. Figgy's optimism carries the story, despite her
difficult circumstances the love for her grandma carries her
Highly recommended for independent readers from 8 years. A fantastic
read aloud for a class novel.
Rhyllis Bignell