Ferret on the loose by Heather Gallagher

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Ill. by Benjamin Johnston. Little Rockets series. New Frontier Publishing, 2013. ISBN 9781921928420. 80pp. RRP $12.95
(Ages: 7-8 years) Lucy's pet ferret Flash is in training for the Fastest Fearless Ferret Race. He needs a little encouragement to complete the race and Lucy tempts him with Yumdiddly chocolates. The other members of the club include Elisha who proves to be a bully to Lucy. Mr Olfart the founder of the Ferret Club is having problems with his old ferret Sadie; he is quite mean-spirited. One week before the race all the competitors and their owners are worried about their chances of winning. Just a few days before the race Flash disappears and Lucy and her family begin a frantic search for him. All is resolved at the Ferret Race and the thief gets his come-uppance.
Ferret on the Loose is one of the Little Rockets series of junior novels. Ben Johnson's illustrations add colour to the short story.
Rhyllis Bignell