Ferret on the loose by Heather Gallagher

Ill. by Benjamin Johnston. Little Rockets series. New
Frontier Publishing, 2013. ISBN 9781921928420. 80pp. RRP $12.95
(Ages: 7-8 years) Lucy's pet ferret Flash is in training for the
Fastest Fearless Ferret Race. He needs a little encouragement to
complete the race and Lucy tempts him with Yumdiddly chocolates. The
other members of the club include Elisha who proves to be a bully to
Lucy. Mr Olfart the founder of the Ferret Club is having problems
with his old ferret Sadie; he is quite mean-spirited. One week
before the race all the competitors and their owners are worried
about their chances of winning. Just a few days before the race
Flash disappears and Lucy and her family begin a frantic search for
him. All is resolved at the Ferret Race and the thief gets his
Ferret on the Loose is one of the Little Rockets
series of junior novels. Ben Johnson's illustrations add colour to
the short story.
Rhyllis Bignell