Feed by M. T. Anderson

Walker, 2012 (2002). ISBN 9781406345209.
(Ages: 12+) Recommended. Dystopian fiction. Future. About to be
released as a film, this republication of the award winning novel by
American author, M. T. Anderson, Feed will engage a new
generation of readers as they like me are amazed at the predictions
shown in a dystopian future written 10 years ago. Uncannily many of
these are now part and parcel of the Y Generation's lives. Feed,
is a word describing the constant marketing material pumped into
their brains through an implant inserted at birth. Some 'unlucky'
ones have this done later in life, and so Violet, who was home
schooled and has odd parents, is outside the usual thirst to be
connected 24 hours a day. It is she who when her implant begins to
fail, see things differently from the friendship group she has just
formed and as an outsider, pulls Titus along with her.
On the moon for an experience, the group is invaded by a virus which
makes their feeds malfunction. It is fascinating to see them all
cope without the feed, just as Generation Y today cannot cope
without their mobile phones and internet access. Anderson was
certainly right on target with his prophecies about the future, and
his darkly ironic story is most engaging. For an older spectator
like me, the images created along with the ideas of a whole society
simply being fed information, music, advertisements 24 hours a day
was alarming, but to many not so. Being 'tuned in' or wired, is
given a whole new level of meaning in this stunning book.
Not only advertisements and information, but a transference of texts
rather like emails is sent and received between the teenagers,
allowing them to chat to each other without a third person knowing.
It is incredibly unnerving, foretelling an appalling future. An
informative web site
gives further facts about the book and background information as
well as a discussion of its impact. The book won two major awards in
the US in 2003.
Fran Knight