Feather and bone by Laslo Strangolov

Walker Books, 2009. ISBN 9781406316005.
(Age 12+) This very strange novel poses some very
challenging issues,
not the least of which is human flesh as meat for a starving community.
Kamil's father has disappeared in the woods
and his mother has become a shadow of her former self. Kamil now has to
walk Solace the dog each
morning and evening. People do not go
into the woods after dark for an unknown fear pervades the community.
The poacher's daughter Lori and Kamil become
involved in the mysterious business of the former poultry farm around
rabbits fit to burst live. It's a dark
tale with Mr Petri centre of the darkness.
It's not a tale for the light hearted and the black and white
add atmosphere to the tale. As Matt
Whyman says in the forward 'The book in your hands is a curious
discovery. It has been penned by an author
with a life
story as odd and compelling as the tale to follow' pv. As Alice said,
'Curiouser and curiouser'. Not
for the faint hearted.
Sue Nosworthy