Father Christmas's Fake Beard by Terry Pratchett

Christmas and Christmas stories are a little bit different in the mind and hands of master storyteller Terry Pratchett. Instead of the usual, sometimes twee, tales of reindeer, helpful elves and generous children this collection has a huge exploding mince pie, a pet abominable snowman, and a very helpful partridge in a pear tree. Father Christmas himself goes to work at a zoo, causes chaos in a toy store and is even arrested for burglary!
This is a previously unpublished selection of seasonal stories from Sir Terry Pratchett, author of the popular Discworld series, and perfect for the Christmas Countdown for slightly older readers who can appreciate his humour and perspective. Stories are short, funny and liberally illustrated with pictures as wacky as the words.
Given it is nearly three years since his death, this may be the last original, unpublished work offered from this author so it may become a collector's piece for that alone.
Barbara Braxton