Fast Grandma by Margaret Clark

Ill. by Craig Smith. Aussie Nibbles. Puffin, 2011. ISBN 9780143305705.
(Age 6-9) Recommended. Another of the great Aussie Nibbles
series, Fast
Grandma presents a wonderful non-stereotypical grandmother for
children to think about.
When mum and dad go away to look after Aunt Faye, who is ill, Grandma
comes to stay to mind Evie and Matthew. She is the fast grandma, who
comes by a fast plane bringing gifts, and when she finds the fridge
bare, she speeds around the supermarket buying her version of fast
food. She goes so fast that Evie and Matthew have a difficult time
keeping up with her. She rock climbs, goes skateboarding and even rides
the Tunnel of Terror while all the other grandmothers sit and sip tea.
The children are a bit embarrassed because she tells everyone that she
gets her energy from eating red and green vegetables, but when she
rescues a little boy they are really proud of her.
I raced through this story, delighting in the way that Clark depicted
Fast Grandma as someone who loves to do all sorts of physical things.
Children will enjoy the humour of being told how red and green
vegetables will make you fast and I was fascinated by the energy of the
Illustrated with detailed and amusing black line drawings by the
talented Mr Smith, children will love to pour over the pictures showing
the antics that grandma gets up to. They will get a laugh a minute from
Smith's exquisitely funny expressions on the faces of the children and
bystanders and enjoy looking at this unique family.
This is a delightful and entertaining book that is ideal for young
children making the transition from picture books to independent
reading. Best of all, it is a lot of fun to read.
Pat Pledger