Farm friends by Rebecca Johnson

Juliet nearly a vet series, bk 3. Penguin, 2013.
Bush baby rescue bk 4. ISBN 9780143307143.
These books are a good read for animal lovers around the age 8 and 9
years old. It's a new series for me and one that I will look into
more in the future. They are good because they have a range of
wildlife. Some books only have one main animal which is the key for
the whole story. I like these books because there is a range of
wildlife from brushtail possums to blue tongue lizards. It's
also nice to see what other characters - who aren't the main
characters - enjoy doing (i.e the little brother who is crazy about
In Farm Friends, I liked how there were quite a few problems
to solve and not just one big problem. Some were not major but help
set the scene of what a vet's duties are. It's also good how there
are lots of little farm animals actually involved in the stories,
not just mentioned in passing. It also shows what a farmer might
have to do in order to help all the animals.
In Bush Baby Rescue it was good they incorporated Juliet
doing lots of major things in order to help the animals, rather than
just feeding the animals. I liked how you saw what Juliet wrote in
her vet notebook. It shows that she had good organisational skills
and that she took her job seriously.
I also like how Juliet got her friends helping her in Bush Baby
Rescue. If you are an animal lover, you will really love these
books. I am sure you will love these books just as much as I did.
Lauren H. (Student)