Fantastically great women who saved the planet by Kate Pankhurst

Bloomsbury Children's Books, 2020. ISBN: 9781408899298. 32pp.
(Age: All) Highly recommended. Readers will be engrossed as they
follow the achievements of women who broke barriers in promoting
scientific ideas and helping to preserve the natural
environment. Many were unknown to me and it was wonderful to
read about their achievements and even more to read the positive
suggestions at the back of the book asking how the reader will speak
up for our planet.
The first two pages name the women written about in the book, with
small illustrations of them and the next page contains a general
introduction about the women and how "they sowed seeds of change in
others and inspired them to see they had the power to save the
planet too . . . " The women chosen for the book come from many
countries and nationalities and from many backgrounds, starting with
Eugenie Clark who researched sharks and inspired others to learn
about the oceans and respect marine life. Ingeborg Beling from
Germany studied bees showing how the study of insects can lead to
understanding nature. Eileen Kampakuta Brown and Eileen Wani
Wingfield campaigned against a nuclear waste dump close to Woomera
in South Australia, while poor women in India formed the Chipko
Movement to save trees by hugging them and stopping the loggers. I
was intrigued with the information about Maria Telkes who "became
known as the Sun Queen for her solar-powered ideas" and loved the
information about Isatou Geesay who led the movement to recycle
plastic bags into things that could be sold.
Each woman is given a double page spread of information,
interspersed with quirky illustrations and speech bubbles that grab
the reader's attention and make them want to read more about the
work that the woman did and what she achieved. This is a book that
may on first look appeal to younger readers, but people of all ages
will find it fascinating. Themes: Women - Biography, STEM, Activism.
Pat Pledger