Fade out by Rachel Caine

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The Morganville Vampires, Book Seven. Penguin, 2011. ISBN 9781921880032.
Fade Out by Rachel Caine is a fascinating novel on how Claire Danvers copes with her studies on campus and how she works for a crazy, unique vampire called Myrnin who loves to wear fanged bunny slippers and feed his pet spider, Bob. He is a mad scientist and he is always coming up with new ideas. Claire also has to put up with one of Myrnin's creations, Ada, a deranged computer generated copy of a long dead vampire who thinks Claire is competition for Myrnin's love. In short term, his first love is science or Bob the spider. Claire has more things to worry about when she almost freezes to death. She has a bracelet that allows her to feel and know what's wrong with Amelie, the leader of the town. It's kind of like a telephone but you don't orally communicate. They find Amelie trying to commit suicide, (which is hard for a vampire) and rescue her. Suddenly a strange young emo girl arrives in Morganville and befriends Claire's bestfriend Eve and they commit to a local play. Young pushy Kim shoves her video camera in all of the vampires' and humans' faces, causing a dislike for her, when Kim misses a rehearsal, Claire and Eve know something is up and around Morganville you're either late or lunch.
The character communication in this book is brilliant and the body language is so easy to read, also the characters were all unique and easy to relate to. This is my favourite vampire series and I think I'll be reading it again. Fade out is a brilliant book and I can't wait to read the rest of the series.
Sarah Filkin (Student)