Facing the flame by Jackie French

Harper Collins, 2017. ISBN 9781460753200
(Age: 15+) Set in the 1970s, this story continues the 'Matilda saga'
about a family and community set in the town of Gibber's Creek in
the New South Wales high country.
When bushfire threatens, all members of the community pitch in to
fight desperately to protect life and property. The nightmarish
terror of a firestorm driven by high winds and massive fuel loads,
tearing through forests and communities on multiplying fronts is
described well.
The acts of valour and sacrifice demonstrated by desperate people,
some of whom have lost everything but who continue to labour for
days in hellish conditions are authentic depictions of what is a
frightening reality for many rural Australians.
Unfortunately this novel does not stand alone well and my impression
is that it is expected that readers are familiar with all the other
previous works in the series. Relationships between family members
and community identities are poorly explained and in my view, too
many characters are involved in an unnecessarily busy and overly
long prelude to the main action. The inclusion of strong, female
characters is refreshing and I liked the fact that these differed
from the usual lazy presentations of beautiful young women as
central characters. In this story, the wisdom and experience of age
is valued, intelligence and compassion is celebrated and the
capacity of people with disabilities to contribute to the community
is presented.
What made me uncomfortable was that at times, characters were almost
caricatures in the sense that they appeared to be an overly romantic
and maudlin vision of what country people are like. I felt that the
link to Banjo Paterson's works was too obvious and a little garish,
with an ancestor named Matilda, a matron named Clancy and a woman
known as 'Nancy of the Overflow'. Choosing to assign the surname
'Kelly' to one side of the family also appeared to lack imagination
and naming an important character 'Scarlett O'Hara' seemed too much
until a handsome young man called 'Alex' who was descended from the
Romanov family appeared.
The bravery and stoicism of those facing the infernos and the
kindness and generosity of the community's response to the tragedy
were aspects worthy of presentation in this novel. To that extent,
the author succeeded. Unfortunately I felt that some depictions of
characters and subplots were a bit silly and this detracted from the
overall story which doesn't seem to meet the high standard normally
associated with Jackie French.
Rob Welsh