Fabio the Flamingo Detective: Mystery on the Ostrich Express by Laura James

Bloomsbury, 2019. ISBN: 9781408889343. 119p.
(Age: 9+) Themes: Crime. Fabio and Gilbert are running late for
their trip to Hotel Royale on the Ostrich Express, but not before a
visit to Alfonso the jeweller to fix a broken watch. When the
Laloozee Ruby necklace is stolen from Alfonso's courier Zazie aboard
the train, Fabio and Gilbert are fated to solve the case. Readers
can look forward to some classic features of crime writing -
abandoned mines, hostages tied to the tracks and a desperate dash on
a handcart.
This is a very 'loud' book! Emily Fox's illustrations and feature
pages appear shaded with neon highlighter pens in contrast to the
noir genre. A flamingo detective is of course flamboyant, but his
clumsy side-kick Gilbert, a giraffe, is much less so.
Feminists might take exception to female villains being foxes and
leopards while the male heroes are mild mannered herbivores and
birds - with the exception of the hyena henchmen of Janice the Claw.
Mystery on the Ostrich Express is old-fashioned in many ways.
Not that many first chapter book readers have heard of Murder on
the Orient Express, or will mistake Fabio for Inspector
Poirot. Yet the literary influences will hopefully one day connect
young readers to one of the best of bygone crime classics. The
publisher appends a sample chapter of the precursor, The
case of the missing hippo in addition to miniaturised
covers of the author's The adventures of Pug series. Sample
chapters and fun activity packs for many of Laura James' books can
be downloaded on the author's site.
Deborah Robins