F is for feminism: An alphabet book of empowerment by Carolyn Suzuki illus.

This little hardcover book, brightly illustrated, makes a powerful punch. Using the twenty six letters of the alphabet to bring inspiring thoughts and information ensures that the information is short and snappy but very thought provoking. As well as defining what Feminism is ('Fighting for equality between girls, boys and everyone') ideas such as equality, diversity and justice are given definition. And then there are the action words, like 'activism', 'compassion', 'galvanise' and 'initiative' which will give the reader some impetus for action and motivation. The following are sure to make the reader stop and think:
'Activism: trying to change something important by making your voice heard
Initiative: The ability to do something useful without being told what to do
Momentum: When something you're doing gets bigger and more powerful
No: What you say when you don't want to do something'
Bright bold illustrations showing a range of people enhance the pages.
This would make a very useful book to have in a school or class library and would engender much discussion. It could introduce some very big ideas to young children and on the way may inspire both girls and boys to take action when they see injustice.
Themes: Feminism, Activism, Empowerment.
Pat Pledger