Everything left unsaid by Jessica Davidson

Pan Macmillan Australia, 2012. ISBN 9780330424950.
If you are looking for a sad story, then this book is for you. Best
friends Juliet and Tai have no sooner become romantically involved
he is diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour and given a year, at
most, to live. This novel charts Tai's gradual decline in
Tai and Juliet take turns to tell this story so we do get slightly
different versions of events. Whilst Tai's focus is mainly on coming
terms with his new medical regime, Juliet tries to balance her grief
with battling through her final year of school and impending exams.
Tai and Juliet are certainly drawn as realistic characters, neither
whom is perfect. The inclusion of their families in this story also
adds a realistic dimension to the story: neither Tai nor Juliet can
solely on their own instincts, they must take into account the needs
and desires of those around them. And the detailing of Tai's
visits and meetings with counsellors, certainly strengthens the aura
However, there is a slightly saccharine feel to the tale as well.
Perhaps this is because there is a curious lack of dramatic tension
the novel. The blurb hints at the plot twist of Tai's illness, so it
comes as no surprise. Furthermore, the suffering endured by Tai and
Juliet is predictable and even their occasional moments of conflict
all too easily resolved. Perhaps also it is the unchanging mood of
story: there is little humour or tonal change to the way the story
plays out, it is unrelentingly sad.
Whilst watching Tai gradually submit to the indignities of his
only the hardest of hearts would not feel sorry for his predicament
the reader may well feel like they have learned little from reading
this story. Nevertheless, there is no doubt an audience of teen
who will be quite happy to immerse themselves in the sadness of Tai
Juliet's situation, albeit with a tissue box at the ready.
Deborah Marshall