Ever by Gail Carson Levine

HarperCollins, 2008.
(Ages 9-14) Imagine that you are a young girl on the brink of
womanhood, and because of an oath that your father has made to the god,
Admat, you are going to be sacrificed. Kezi, knowing that she has only
a month to live, is trying to keep up her spirits, when she notices a
majestic, muscular young slave at a wedding. Unknown to her, it is
Olus, the god of the wind, and he has has fallen in love with her and
is determined to help her. He offers her the chance to become immortal,
but to do that they both have to undertake a difficult task to prove
their worth.
The author has written the story in the first person, with alternating
chapters told by Kezi and Olus. The reader gets to know the two
characters quite well as they recount their fears, feelings and what is
happening around them. All the sentences are short, as are the
chapters, and this makes for ease of reading. The exotic setting,
perhaps the Middle East, is fascinating, particularly the descriptions
of rug making and dancing, both of which Kezi excels at.
On the surface Ever appears to be a straight forward love story
a young god and a mortal girl, and younger readers will enjoy the
plight of the young couple and the action surrounding the difficult
quest that each must undertake. More discerning readers will spend time
pondering the meaning of love and what some people are prepared to
sacrifice for it. Religion is also a major theme and Levine examines
the way that two different belief systems can operate: in Kezi's world
there is only one god, but in Olus's domain there are many.
A very attractive cover will be sure to draw in readers, who will then
have to read on to find out if Kezi survives and if the young lovers
find happiness.
Pat Pledger