Ever After High: Once Upon a Time: A Story Collection by Shannon Hale

Little Brown, 2014. ISBN 9780349132020
(Age: 10+) Recommended. This is a collection of 12 short stories
that turn traditional fairy tale characters on their heads. At Ever
After High, the students are beginning their Legacy Year, the time
when they will sign the Storybook of Legends and pledge that they
will repeat the stories that their parents have become famous for.
People who love fairy stories will be charmed with this collection
that is both quirky and very funny. My favourites were the stories
of Dexter and Darling Charming, Dexter Charming and the yellow-eyed
changeling and Darling Charming and the razor eel. Their adventures
and antics in the home of their father Prince Charming were very
amusing, but also poignant as Darling wished she didn't have to
pretend to be just a beautiful maiden, while Dexter often stands out
in his family as he is not as brave or as daring as his brothers.
Maddie Hatter, the daughter of the Madhatter, works in a tea shop
with her father and her story is fascinating as well. There are also
fun stories about Apple White, Lizzie Hearts, Raven Queen, Briar
Beauty, Ashlynn Ella and Hunter Huntsman.
Underlying them all are themes of accepting yourself and your
strengths and weaknesses, even if like Cedar Wood, you are made of
wood; of standing up to bullies and of cherishing friendships.
These stories made me smile and feel good and could prove to be an
interesting and challenging read for young girls especially.
Pat Pledger