Evening is the whole day by Preeta Samarasan

Estate, 2008.
Preeta Samarasan's Rajasekharan's family story is told through Aasha's
eyes, and is set against the newly emerged state of Malaysia. Woven
through the disintegration of this Indian-Malaysian family is the birth
and struggle of a new country fresh from the colonial rule of Great
The Rajasekharans are a wealthy family; Appa is a successful criminal
barrister and his wife, Amma has come from humble beginnings and is
very aware of her social standing and works hard to make the coffee
morning set. Poati is the mother in law who indulges all but Amma and
her unfortunate servant, Chellan. The children of this loveless and
soulless marriage are Unna, a precocious child and now an intelligent
young woman about to go to study in an Ivey league university in the
USA, Suresh and indulged younger brother and the youngest, Aasha, whose
only support, Unna, is about to abandon her.
Ghosts are the only friends for Aasha after Unna suddenly and
inexplicably no longer includes her in her world. She observes her
family almost as an outsider, from her refuge point on or behind the
green PVC couch. Through her we see the family moving further apart.
Appa has his mistress and he spends most of this time with this family.
Paati, who seeks favour from all, sets all against her daughter in law,
who she considers an unworthy match for her son.
All the stories, the secrets and lies come spiraling together at the
point of Unna's departure. And these are all symptomatic of the
complexity that is Malaysia.
Mark Knight