Eve and the Fiery Phoenix by Jess Black

Keeper of the Crystals series. New Frontier Publishing, 2015.
ISBN 9781925059441
(Age: 7+) Themes: Fantasy adventure; Environmental concerns. This is
the second in the Keeper of the Crystals series and the
young central characters Eve and Oscar are again magically drawn
into a rescue adventure. This time they need to rescue the fiery
phoenix and rescue the jungle land of Griffid from destruction due
to darkness. The magic is gentle and Eve displays the ability of
hearing the Phoenix's calls for help. The rescue is exciting, but
without anxiety-inducing detail. The children display clever
solutions to the problems they face.
This is an entry level fantasy adventure for young readers wanting
something more exciting from an early chapter book. Teachers may
also appreciate this series for its 'read-aloud' potential. There
are nine short chapters, which could be read to children in years
1-3 over a short time. References to environmental issues might also
raise discussion about our own world's dependence on the sun for our
Carolyn Hull