Eternity cure by Julie Kawaga

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Blood of Eden, bk 2. Harlequin Teen, 2013. ISBN 9781743562604.
(Age 14+) The second in the series following The immortal rules, sees Allison Sekemoto setting out on a quest to free Kanin her sire from the evil vampire master Sarren. She has left behind Zeke, the boy that she loves, and she pushes into dangerous territory in her journey to find Kanin. On the way she meets Jackal, her blood brother, and hopes that he will be able to help her find her Master. She travels to New Covington but is dismayed to find that there is a new plague, a strain of the Red Lung virus that makes both vampires and humans go mad and act in appalling ways. But she knows that Kanin holds the secret to the cure for the virus in his veins and this makes it even more imperative that she finds him.
I really liked the first in the series and thought that it was one of the best of the vampire/undead books that I had read. However the violence in this book, even though it was in context and probably not worse than what I have read in other adolescent books, made it a less enjoyable read for me. Probably too, the fact that Zeke didn't appear until half way into the book, also meant that the journey and the violence played a bigger role that I expected. Yes, like the teens who will read this book, I enjoy a bit of romance!
There was plenty of suspense and action to keep me reading to the end and I will certainly be catching up with the next in the series as Kawaga has written her characters so well that it would be impossible not to find out what happens to them.
Pat Pledger