Esmeralda's nest by Robert Moore

Illus. by Mandy Foot. Midnight Sun Publishing, 2020. ISBN:
(Ages: 2-5) Recommended. Accomplished illustrator Mandy Foot has
teamed up with the diversely talented Robert Moore on this book
about a Saddleback sow preparing a nest for her soon-to-be-born
piglets. Interesting 'farm notes' are scrawled across the endpapers
in child's handwriting, complete with accompanying scribbly
drawings: 'Pigs eat anything, even shoelaces' and 'A farrowing hut
is a safe place for a mother pig to have her piglets'. These facts
also assist in explaining some of the words and items seen in the
story, eg. gripple tool, belted galloway cow. Every day Esmeralda
collects all manner of strange items that she digs up or finds on
the farm: an old bottle, a plastic bag, wisteria and some trousers
that blow off the clothes line. Off she waddles down the hill,
ignoring the safety of the farrowing hut and building her own nest
underneath the cattle ramp.
Gritty illustrations portray the windy, muddy, messy, rainy
realities of farm life and the ever-changing conditions of life on
the land. One day it is boiling hot, the next there is a torrential
downpour. As Esmerelda builds her nest we see life on the farm going
on around her. The farmer and his children are fencing, planting
trees and playing with the new chicks. Children will find the
illustrations funny as most of the repair work they are doing is due
to Esmeralda pushing her way through fences and gates.
This is a lovely, simply told story about farm life and nesting
animals that will also help children learn about the days of the
week. Themes: Days of the week, Farms, Pigs.
Nicole Nelson