Erebos by Ursula Poznanski

Allen and Unwin, 2012. ISBN 9781742379531.
(Ages: 13+) Sixteen year old Nick Dunmore is a popular and
clever high school student who is given a role-playing computer game
that blends a fantasy world with real life. Like many of his school
mates he becomes addicted to the game and it is only when he is
eliminated and cannot play anymore that he takes action to expose
the dangers presented by the game Erebos. His life and that of his
close friends become at risk as they hunt the creator of the game
and try to convince others of his evil intent.
While the fantasy world is described in detail and with great
imagination I found it difficult to sustain my interest and found
myself skipping parts of chapters. The decision by the author to use
present tense for the fantasy chapters and past tense for the real
world was also irritating.
Nick is not a particularly likeable character and other characters
are not well developed. The climax was a letdown for me although I
was glad that the solution to the puzzle of Erebos was not
supernatural. It has an eye catching front cover and a good sized
and clear font to assist readers. It has been translated from its
original language of German into 20 other languages.
I believe there will be fantasy loving students who persevere with
this book and I will also be recommending it to some of our online
gaming students.
Chris Lloyd