Enchanted by Alethea Kontis

Woodcutter Sisters bk 1. Harcourt, 2012. ISBN 9780547645704
(Age: 12+) Recommended. Sunday is the seventh daughter of a seventh
daughter and has to be careful what she writes as it could come
true. When she kisses a frog, it changes into Prince Rumbold, who is
despised by Sunday's family.
One of my favourite genre is that of a fairy tale retold and I was
hooked right from the beginning with this funny, witty, romantic
story of Sunday who is 'blithe and bonny and good and gay'. Of
course she has the handicap of having everything she writes down
come true so she has to be very careful. After she kisses the frog
to whom she has been telling stories, unbeknown to her he turns back
into Prince Rumbold. He is determined to woo her but his courtship
doesn't go easily and Kontis takes us through the stormy path of
true love.
Kontis is amazing, retelling many fairy stories in a fabulous mix of
complex ideas and events. The old rhyme about children who are named
after the days of the week is particularly apt and weaves its way
through the story, helping the reader understand the natures of
Sunday's seven sisters. Great characterisation and plot make this a
very readable story.
However what stood out for me was the humorous dialogue that often
brought a smile to my face. This is a feel good book that would be a
wonderful lift for anyone looking for interesting, well written
fantasy. It is worthy of the awards that it has garnered, including
an Andre Norton Award Nominee (2013) and YALSA Best Fiction for
Young Adults (Top Ten) (2013) and it looks as if there will be more
books to follow.
Pat Pledger