Ella and Olivia: Zoo rescue by Yvette Poshoglian

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Ill. by Danielle Macdonald. Scholastic, 2016. ISBN 9781760157203
(Age: 5+) Recommended. Zoos. Penguins. Orangutans. Ella and Olivia are really excited because they are off to the Zoo. Olivia is particularly interested in the orangutans, and Ella can't wait to see the penguins. Ella has learnt a lot about penguins when she did a research assignment on them and she really wants to see them. However when they finally get to the penguin enclosure, it is closed because the penguins are being moved to a larger site. Ella spots a penguin who has been left behind and she and Olivia go its rescue.
With large print and lots of black and white illustrations this is a perfect book for the young reader who is just leaving picture books and wants something a bit more demanding. The story is divided into five short chapters that will enable the reader to break up the plot. There are also lots of details about penguins and orangutans that will fascinate young children learning about animals and will really appeal to children who like to discover more about animal life.
Pat Pledger