Ella and Olivia : Puppy Trouble by Yvette Poshoglian

Ill. by Danielle McDonald. Scholastic Australia, 2013. ISBN
The Ella and Olivia series has proven popular with younger girls as
an introduction to chapter books. They reflect the issues and
interests of girls in the 5-7 age group.
The main characters are Ella, who is in year 2 and Olivia her
younger sister who has just begun school. The series follows their
everyday adventures at school and at home.
Puppy Trouble follows their journey as the family adopts a new
puppy, from choosing him at the pet shop to the realisation that as
cute as the puppy is there is a whole new level of the
responsibility that comes with pet ownership. Bob, the pup, is not
as easy to look after as the girls think. Typically he wrecks havoc
in the house and runs away as they take him for a walk.
Written in the present tense, the larger font size is supportive of
the early independent reader. Whilst the chapters are of a
reasonable length the line drawings and embellishments as well as
wide paragraph spacing make the pages of text look less daunting.
Ella and Olivia books are a good follow on for those girls who have
read the Billie B Brown books and are looking for something else
in a similar vein.
Sue Keane