Elizabella breaks a leg by Zoe Norton Lodge

Illus. by Georgia Norton Lodge. Walker Books, 2020. ISBN:
(age: 9+) Recommended. The fourth in this new series by the Norton
Lodge sisters will delight fans of this zany Year Four student.
Elizabella goes to the theatre with her year four class and teacher,
Mr Gobblefrump. She is with her friend Huck and they have left their
parents home with Toddberry, Elizabella's brother. Huck and
Elizabella are a bit off about his mother and Elizabella's dad
dating, but Tod tells them to get over it. The play proves a turning
point for Elizabella. She adores it and cannot stop talking about
the magic she has witnessed on the stage. She approaches Mr
Gobblefrump the next day about staging a play of their own. He
consents but tells her it is very costly and unless it is free,
cannot go ahead. A challenge has been issued. Meanwhile,
Elizabella's best friend, Minnie keeps wanting her attention and
finally blurts out that she is off to New York where her mother has
secured a job. Elizabella's world comes crashing down.
Light hearted, fun from beginning to end, Elizabella is a bright
vivacious girl with lots on her mind. From working out how to grease
down her dreadlock so the people behind her can see the stage, to
making an undie flag to run up the school flagpole, to getting her
friend join her and not be sad about leaving, the situations are all
close to home, things younger readers can relate to, involving
family and friends, school life and family concerns. And all told
with a large dollop of humour inspiring readers to seek out the
other three stories and hope for number five.
Illustrations by younger sister, Georgia add another level of humour
to the tale.
Themes: School, Drama, Family, Friends, Relationships.
Fran Knight