Edie's experiments: How to make friends by Charlotte Barkla

Illus. by Sandy Flett. Penguin Random House, 2020. ISBN:
(Age: 8-11) Highly recommended. Edie's experiments: How to make
friends is book one in a new series written by Adelaide author
Charlotte Barkla who has a background in civil engineering and
physics teaching. She cleverly uses scientific language and her
extensive knowledge of science and experiments to write an
entertaining and humorous story about a young girl who is STEM
obsessed fitting in at a new school.
Edie Baxter, aged 10-and-a-quarter years, has moved to a different
area of the town as her Mum is beginning a new full-time job and her
Dad has gone part-time to help look after Edie's two year old
brother Max. Edie has left her best friend Winnie behind and is
desperately keen to make friends on her first day at her new school.
This is where the mayhem begins. Her first experiment to provide her
new classmates and teacher with their own ball of slime is a
disaster due to the air conditioning being turned off during
lunchtime. Edie is sent to the Principal Mrs Newton, who has a
distracting obsession with Chihuahuas, and is placed in detention on
her first day. Not a good beginning.
Edie wants to make amends but everything she seems to try ends up
being a disaster. As the story continues, you are drawn into the
frustration Edie's character feels when all of her good ideas and
what she sees as good deeds for science experiments seem to go
completely wrong. However the main adults in her life and her best
friend Winnie support and encourage Edie to persevere and not lose
hope. Edie does triumph in the friendship department finally, but
along the way she learns valuable lessons about interacting with
adults and what may be appropriate conversations.
An interesting and clever aspect of the book is that all of Edie's
scientific experiments are written up as procedures using the
headings: Aim, Equipment and Method. This would be a perfect
read-aloud class novel either by the teacher or whole class when the
Year 3/4/5 curriculum calls for procedure writing. The imaginative
illustrations by Sandy Flett add to the humour of the story and help
keep the reader focused. A second book in the series, Edie's
experiments 2: How to be the best is coming soon.
Themes: Science experiments, STEM,
Making friends, New school, Family, Humour, Procedure writing.
Kathryn Beilby