Eddie Pipper by Janeen Brian

New Frontier, 2012. ISBN 9781921928215.
(Age: 7+) The somewhat forgetful Eddie Pipper loves penguins and is
desperate to own a real one. Unfortunately, he has not yet been able
to demonstrate that he is capable of taking care of his sister or to
organise himself with bus tickets and the like. Because his parents
feel he is incapable of caring for an animal of any kind, he
endeavours to make his own papier-mache version of a penguin. Even
then, his task is not without its problems. Taking it to school for
pet day could also be filled with its own set of issues... how
will it be received by his class mates?
Released as part of the Little Rockets series for children aged
seven and up, this title is a gentle and easy read. With much
emphasis on penguins and Eddie's love of them, there is enough
information about the animals to keep younger readers interested.
With the introduction of the dog, readers can only guess at the
ending and hope that Eddie will realise his dream of having a pet.
This is aimed at newly independent readers and, with the double
spaced text and coloured illustrations interspersed throughout,
would seem to cater well for the target audience.
If this were to be used as a class read aloud with younger children,
it could perhaps highlight themes such as personal
responsibility, organisation and pet care.
Jo Schenkel