Dugong magic by Deborah Kelly

Illus. by Lisa Stewart. Hachette, 2020. ISBN: 9780734419965. 32pp.
(Age: 4+) Recommended. With the vulnerable dugong only surviving
within marine parks around Australia's coast, this timely look at
the animal and its habits and vulnerability should shake the
sentiments of young readers to help them become more aware of how we
have had an impact on the lives of these majestic animals who live
as long as we do.
The first half of the story shows the birth and early development of
a dugong, bonding with its mother, helped to make its first steps
within the marine environment, rising to the surface, testing its
strengths, finding the right food to eat and how to eat it, learning
to hide when predators come along. But it is the human activity that
throws them more than anything else. They must avoid the rubbish
thrown into the sea, dive down when noisy fast boats skim over the
water above, look out for nets that entrap until the dugong calf
finds it is alone.
Children will be saddened for the baby dugong, left alone in a sea
of danger, but be made well aware that it is unsafe because of our
misuse of the land in which we live. The last four double pages
offer solutions that will delight the readers, upset by the dugong's
plight. This will engage the children in real solutions after
reading the story preceding it, and all is followed by a page of
information about the dugong, aimed at giving the reader the
information they need to better understand the plight of the dugong,
half of the world's population of which live in Australian waters.
Themes: Dugongs, Pollution, Environment, Vulnerable animals,
Fran Knight