Ducky's nest by Gillian Rubinstein and Terry Denton

Walker Books, 2013. ISBN 1 922077 72 1
(Age: 4+) Highly recommended. Picture book. Change. First published
in 1999, this beautifully crafted and illustrated book will find a
host of new fans amongst children, parents and teachers as the story
At its simplest the tale is of a lost toy, left in the park by a
young child. The toy duck is taken aside and given shelter by the
real ducks and swans in the gardens, while the child back home
grieves for her lost Duckie which sleeps with her each night.
Grandma and Claudie return to the park the next day and find the toy
and take it back home.
But looking more closely the reader sees that the Grandmother is
there because Mum is in hospital having another baby. Claudie is
anxious and so all the more concerned about her lost toy. Its return
sees her offering it to her baby brother, accepting the change that
is going on in her life. Nurturing is a constant theme in this
book, with Grandma holding Claudie close when she goes to bed,
Claudie holding Duckie, the families of birds on the pond at the
gardens, the care of Duckie by the ducks and swans overnight, and
their search for Duckie's home, and finally the loving family scene
at the end where Claudie gives her new brother her toy.
Denton's lovely pencil and water colour illustrations are
delightful, rendering the Melbourne Botanical Gardens with love and
affection. As night draws in the sky becomes a darker blue and feels
much more ominous as Duckie is alone in the park, but as morning
approaches and Claudie goes to retrieve him, the sky clears. Readers
will love to find various animals hidden both in the gardens and the
bedrooms of the children.
At the end of the book, as with the other in the Walker books series
republishing Australian Classics, there is a piece by both the
original editor (Mark McLeod), author (Gillian Rubinstein) and
illustrator (Terry Denton) telling of the ideas behind both the tale
and its illustrations and how the book fared when first published.
It makes fascinating reading and adds considerably to the new
Fran Knight