Drive by by Jim Carrington

Bloomsbury 2012. ISBN 978 1 4088 2278 4.
(Age: Teens) Recommended. Johnny and his friends are returning home
from the park on a hot summer's day messing around and kicking a
football which accidentally lands in the house of an old lady who
punctures it before returning it.
Later the boys have their revenge when they shoot her with water
pistols as they ride past her open car window. After they
learn she has had a heart attack and she dies, Johnny feels
extremely guilty as it was his idea. He wants to confess but
his friends are not so sure. Things go rapidly downhill from
there as Johnny finds it increasingly difficult to deal with the
guilt. It is all complicated by his meeting up with a girl
that he is attracted to, but who turns out to be the old lady's
Johnny is an essentially decent person, so the consequences of his
prank weigh heavily on him. The author manages to convey this
without preaching and the relationship between him and the
granddaughter is convincingly done.Whilst giving a balanced
view of the realities of the situation the author manages to resolve
it satisfactorily and believably. This allows the story to end
positively but does not diminish the issues involved.
Recommended for teenage readers who will identify with many of the
issues raised such as taking responsibility for your actions.
David Rayner