Dreams of Gods and Monsters by Laini Taylor

Daughter of smoke and bone trilogy, bk 3. Hodder &
Stoughton, 2014. ISBN 9781444722734.
(Age: 15+) Dreams of Gods and Monsters is a thrilling end to
an amazing book series. It starts off really strong by introducing a
completely new (yet very important) character, Eliza. This helped to
create a mysterious feel that continues through the book until we
find out who Eliza actually is. The multiple twists and turns make
for a nice, thick plotline. I must admit I was getting worried when
I had reached the Epilogue and certain things hadn't happened but
that was all part of the breathtaking scheme Ms Taylor has created.
The battle between good and evil intensifies in this last book, and
in true YA fashion the evil is not the original evil we thought it
was going to be. The Misbegotten Seraphs and Chimaerae must work
together to combat the evil using good to the best of their
abilities. Laini ups her game in this book and it is more organised
than the others. It is broken down into multiple sections with
nursery rhyme like paragraphs. The sections titles Arrival + #Hours
creates an effective timeline to show that so many things can happen
in such a short period of time. There are so many more perspectives
in this book, which leads to a well-rounded story, we hear from lots
of different characters with enough clarity to determine who it is.
The language barriers between humans and Seraphs and humans and
Chimaerae provide just the right amount of comedy in this book. The
stupidity of humans makes a nice entry in this book and the ideas of
religion are questioned in this book. The happy 'middle' ending
creates a nice bittersweet ending to this epic series. I thoroughly
recommend this series for older teens; there are some interesting
concepts that are not really acceptable for younger readers to be
Azriel P.