Dougal's Diary by David Greagg

Ill. by Yvonne Van Vliet. Clan Destine Press, 2010. ISBN:
Dougal's Diary is just that, a diary covering the first year
of life of the black and white cat Dougal. Yes, in collaboration
with David Greagg, Dougal has shared the ups and downs of his life
from his earliest memories as a new born enjoying life with his
siblings, to the end of his first year secure in his new home and in
the love of his humans.
After the trauma of being separated from his cat family and waiting
in a cage to be chosen, Dougal finds he is sharing a home with his
adopted sister Shadow, whose early life as an alley cat has
conditioned her to steal food whenever she can, and Belladonna the
incumbent matriarch who takes some winning over, as well as Man
(David Greagg) and Woman.
Dougal is a peace loving diplomat and a hero as he negotiates the
delicate path between protecting his girls and fitting into the
neighbourhood complete with cats, dogs, wattlebirds and other
Dougal has much to learn about the human world as he learns about
the various appliances and equipment in the house and garden. From
cars to computers Dougal's point of view is that they are all boxes
with the ability to take humans away or to frustrate them. For the
reader it is a lesson in perception and point of view as are the
lessons from Belladonna regarding cat etiquette and techniques for
training humans.
This is definitely a book for cat lovers with, I would think, a
limited audience in the primary years, however as an example of
diary writing and point of view I found Dougal's impressions of the
world around him entertaining.
Sue Keane
Editor's note: There is a second in the series, When we were
kittens. Clan Destine Press, 2102. ISBN: 9780987271716.