Don't Want to Go by Shirley Hughes

Random House 2010.
(Ages 3-93) Highly recommended. I would defy anyone not to be
captivated by the tousle haired, pyjama clad heroine we meet on the
first page of Don't Want to Go. Toddler Lily's dad faces every
nightmare when Mum is struck down with a dose of flu and he has to go
to work.
Dad rings a friend and is confident that Lily will have a lovely day at
Melanie's house. Lily is not so sure. However, with the distraction of
a friendly pet dog, Melanie's baby boy and some old fashioned cutting
and sticking, Lily discovers that new experiences aren't as scary as
she thought. When Dad arrives to collect her she's having such a lovely
time she doesn't want to go home.
Shirley Hughes skilfully captures Lily's mutinous body language and
anxious expression when Dad drops her at Melanie's and says goodbye.
The little girl's gradual build up of confidence as she begins to enjoy
the simple activities is beautifully portrayed. In our hectic lives of
organised hobbies and electronic wizardry it's lovely to see children
enjoying the pleasures of imaginative play.
Shirley Hughes' books have a timeless, whimsical appeal that span the
generations and it's hard to believe that Lucy and Tom, the
protagonists of her first book published nearly fifty years ago, are
now old enough to be Lily's grandparents! This is a must for children
and their carers to savour. Brilliant!
Claire Larson