Don't Wake the Troll by Ben Kitchin

Koala Books, 2013. ISBN 9781742760605.
The text is aimed at readers aged 7+ but it is highly recommended
for everyone. Don't Wake the Troll is the story of a group of
dwarfs determined to get their treasure back from the troll who
stole it. The author uses descriptive language and humour to make it
funny and engaging. As the dwarfs get closer and closer to the
troll they realise how much noise they are making. The dwarfs stop
their noise but will a single gold coin be their undoing?
This is a great story to introduce narrative writing in the class and the
use of adjectives is a good way to model how children can engage
their readers more. The illustrations are cute and could be used to
help children with their writing. It is also appealing to many ages
- parents to read to their children or older children to read alone.
Kylie Kempster