Don't Look Now series by Paul Jennings and Andrew Weldon

Allen & Unwin, 2013.
Book 3: Haircut, Just A Nibble. ISBN 9781743311417.
Book 4: Hobby Farm, Seeing Red. ISBN 9781743311424.
Recommended for readers from 7-11 years. Themes: Family Life,
Flight, School Life, Humour, Self-Perception, Friendship. The Don't
look Now series continues with Book 3 and concludes with Book
4. Jennings and Weldon follows the highs and lows of Ricky's life as
he develops his friendship with Samantha the girl next door and
greatly improves his flying skills.
In the first story of Book 3 Haircut, Ricky's decision to wear
Dad's old red Afro wig and spy on Samantha and her Girl Guide troop
leads him into more misfortune. Ricky never seems to learn! Whilst
in Just a nibble, Ricky and Dad's practice flying session in
the bush finally helps in the quest for winning Samantha over. Ricky
shows courage and creativity at last.
The series ends with Book 4's stories Hobby Farm and Seeing
Red. Ricky's flying skills are developing and he uses them to
save Samantha and her class's stuffed toy chickens from the Hobby
Farm. Scaring Mandy Wong with the giant chicken suit on is a classic
moment. Ricky's stinky doona even helps to save the situation. In Seeing
Red Ricky and Samantha's friendship is growing, they even
discuss what colours feel like including red for love. When Ricky
and Samantha take a bushwalk together they face a raging bushfire
and Ricky shows he truly is a hero when he saves Samantha and her
guide dog Jack.
Andrew Weldon's cartoon pictures bring a depth of interest and much
humour to these amusing tales. Paul Jennings once again proves he
really understands the needs of his readers. These novels are
recommended for readers from 7-11 years of age and are suited to
students with a high interest and a low reading age.
Rhyllis Bignell