Don't leap, Larry by John Briggs

Ill. by Nicola Slater. Pavilion, 2017. ISBN 9781843653387
Lemmings are small rodents that live in the Arctic regions and are
best known popularly known for the misconception that they commit
mass suicide by jumping off cliffs, So when one little lemming
decides to stand out from the crowd and not do as they do, there is
great confusion and consternation.
This little lemming, who wants to be known as Larry, does not want
to look like, sound like or act like his peers. When he is asked if
he would jump over a cliff, he says, "No, " but fronting up wearing
a mask and fins just in case he has to. Instead of digging a tunnel
to keep warm, Larry goes sledging with the puffins; while the others
squeak and squeal he plays bongos with the seals; and while they
nibble moss from under a rock he prefers pepperoni pizza with extra
cheese and hot sauce! He is certainly a very different lemming who
stands out from the crowd. So when the other lemmings call a meeting
and unanimously decide that all lemmings should be the same, Larry
knows it is time for him to move on. But he finds life with his
other friends a little different from his expectations - sometimes
the grass is not always greener. Is there a new and better life for
Larry or is he doomed to join them on that inevitable, fatal leap
over the cliff?
Humour and appealing illustrations which begin with the front cover
with Larry firmly attached to a parachute as he leaps off the cliff
make for a quirky tale that nevertheless has a strong message about
remaining true to yourself and encouraging others to question,
interpret and think for themselves too. A great discussion starter
about being individuals even in a culture that has children dressing
alike, looking alike and learning alike.
Barbara Braxton