Dog on Log by Tania Ingram and Kat Chadwick

Omnibus Books, 2013. ISBN 9781862919648.
Dog on log is a delightfully simple rhyming picture book. An
assortment of characters including a dog, frog, hog, cat and rat are
gathered outdoors for a birthday party. The reader finds them in a
variety of situations, such as 'Frog on dog and dog on log. Dog and
frog near hog in bog.' The dialogue is accompanied by beautiful
illustrations containing plenty of interesting details to share with
young children. Here is a rat peeping out of a log, there sits a
basket of party hats and a frog holding a balloon. Nearby, a hog
lies contentedly in the water, a bottle of sunscreen close at hand.
The party becomes a little more chaotic as more guests arrive and
the rat tries to steal the cat's cake. Ultimately they all end up in
the bog.
This book is a pleasurable and entertaining read and worthy addition
to any pre schooler's library.
Tina Cain