Do your ears hang low? sung by The Topp Twins

Pictures by Jenny Cooper. Scholastic, 2012. ISBN 978 1 77543 104 6.
(Age: 3+) Highly recommended. Picture book. Song. Body parts. The
catchy tune accompanying this book on its CD, will drag every
listener into the rhythm and words of the ballad, and they will
eagerly sing along, adding actions to the song. Scholastic's There's
a hole in my bucket, is also with The Topp Twins and Jenny
For home and classrooms where music and singing is part of the day
these books are more than useful. The CD is easy to use, gives the
song and then the music without the singing, to enable the teacher
or parent to use either version with effect.
Do your ears hang low, is a simple ballad about ears, asking
whether they can be tied, or can they drip when wet, can they be
used as a signal and so on. The wonderful illustrations add humour
to the ballad, and are simply delightful to look at as the hound,
lama, pig and rabbit have their ears pulled, drawn out and ruffled.
Watch out for the little muse seen on some pages, and the mirror at
the end of the ballad. Questions about the length and size of the
child's ears go through a range of funny situations, from sticking
out, or using them as a mop. Listeners and readers will love it! And
turning the pages as the CD runs will add another level of humour
and involvement.
In a home or class where body parts are under discussion then this
would be a great introductory activity, or simply using it as a song
or ballad, or part of a poetry lesson, this book and CD has a
variety of uses. The last two pages has a host of interesting facts
about ears to add to the fun.
Fran Knight