Dinosaurs aren't dead by Dr Karl Kruszelnicki

Pan, 2010. ISBN 978 0 330 42579 7.
(Ages 10+) Warmly recommended. Non Fiction. Humour. Subtitled, The
story of dinosaur evolution, the well
known scientist, Dr Karl, who takes great pains to put complex
into the hands of children via his natty books, is at it again. In
one sets out to show what the dinosaurs were, when they lived and
they were wiped out, (or so everyone thinks).
Enough facts are given to warm the cockles of any dinosaur
With the book divided into 12 easily accessible chapters, having
chapter headings such as The discovery of dinosaurs, Why did
win? and What killed most of the dinosaurs, the chapters bristle
tempting facts and information. Different fonts, bold headings and
lists are used effectively to gain the reader's attention and one
drawing has a giraffe drawn alongside the dinosaur for comparison
which will help the reader recognise the size of some of these
His enormously popular website outlines much of the science he talks
about and a list of his other books, a blog and information about Dr
Karl are given at this website.
Fran Knight