Digger Field: World Champion (maybe) by Damian Davis

Dean (Digger) Field is an 11 year old who can't do anything well and in his own words, is 'extraordinarily lame.' However he then declares, 'I've decided that I'm going to change all that. I've got a plan that will make me stand out from the pack. By the end of the summer holidays I will be the rock-skimming champion of the world.' The book follows the next 34 days as he practices his rock skimming with the aim of improving by one skim each day. However he runs into many roadblocks along the way.
Digger reckons that Pensdale, where he lives, is full of old people and the most boring suburb in the world. However the story sees Digger and his best friend Wriggler discover a suspected animal smuggler in a deserted house. Digger also spends his holiday time devising many ill-advised money making schemes in an attempt to raise $750 and buy his uncle's tinnie. These include making a 'diggerade' sports drink, biscuits and a funny youtube movie.
Digger Field is a quirky adventure story that will appeal to younger readers, mostly of primary school age.
Kay Haarsma