Dharma the llama by Matt Cosgrove

Koala Books, 2020. ISBN: 9781760669201.
(Age: 3+) Recommended. The picture of big eyed Dharma on the cover
will delight younger readers as they reach out for the next
incarnation of Cosgrove's wonderful llama series of books. Dharma is
number six of an especially enticing series of stories about this
odd creature, introducing a new animal to younger readers as well as
a sound bit of advice through the story. This time it is about being
yourself, as Dharma has to ignore the sneers and jibes from the herd
as they go about their together things, pushing her to join in. But
Dharma likes being herself: she likes to pick flowers and read for
ages, sleep in after she lies awake at night reading, but above all
to read. When reading she can involve herself in a book, being a
pirate or adventurer, a witch or an astronaut. One day as the herd
passes by jeering, so involved in looking crankily her way, they
neglect to see a sign warning them of a cliff. They all tumble over,
finding themselves stuck in the mud below.
It is up to Dharma to rescue them. She uses all the things she has
found out about in her books to get them out of the mud: she swings
on a rope like a pirate, lowers herself like an astronaut to rescue
some others, then makes a rope ladder - she also reads non-fiction,
to secure the rest.
Everyone is happy to be rescued and throw Dharma a big party, but of
course, she is reading and neglects to go.
Cosgrove's rhyming pairs of lines will thrill younger readings, who
will eagerly predict the rhyming word, and by the end of the book
will have learnt several lines enabling them to join in. Recognising
the books she reads will be another adventure for sharp-eyed
readers, and finding Dharma in the end papers will add an extra
layer of interest to the story.
And dedicated to all librarians 'who share their love of books and
spread the joy of reading', what library will be without this book
on the display shelf.
Themes: Llamas, Behaviour, Being yourself, Bullying, Self awareness.
Fran Knight